Wednesday, February 27, 2008

$4.00 A GALLON!

You have got to be kidding me! I read an article today saying that by spring gas could cost $4.00 a gallon. Now lets go back only two years ago. Do you remember how much a barrel of gas cost? Well it cost $55.00 a barrel. Today it costs over a $100.00 a barrel. What is a brotha to do? Thank God I work close to home now. This may force me to stay put for a minute! I could also get a moped. Can you picture that! I would get a Harley Jacket and helmet and putt down the road. I know this will be a killer for some people. Families are strapped for money and most are on tight budgets. Something has to give. I know the CEO's of the oil companies and dancing evryday. Must be nice to be them.

Chicken noodle soup, Chicken noodle soup, Chicken noodle soup

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