Wednesday, March 12, 2008

7 Kinds of Sex Every Married Couple Should Try

Ok, I have been debating if I should write on this topic or not. Everyone has their thoughts on this. Men and women think differently for sure on this. I am sure I will get some comments on this so let me put out my legal notice now! I think that this should be simple to follow but I do understand that life gets in the way. I myself need to try harder to follow my own advice more often. So to my friends (and even you strangers) that may read this I hope you enjoy. This is grown folk stuff.

1. Pushing-Your-Boundaries Sex

There's nothing like the moment when you're lying naked with your partner you've known and loved for a long time, panting and puffing, thinking, Wow, we've never done that before.

2. Maintenance Sex

Let's face it — sex just isn't going to be an eye-gazing spiritual encounter every time. Most couples think everything has to feel perfect, or you both have to be in a sexual mood to have sex, but if everyone waited for that, sex wouldn't happen very often at all.

3. Vacation Sex

My point here is that bedroom sex can get old, it's often your surroundings that are getting stale, not your partner. So if you haven't had vacation sex lately, do it! You don't need a plane ticket to get started: Head to a hotel downtown and call it a vacation. You can look forward to it and build it up beforehand for even better sex.

4. Make-up Sex

It's been said you shouldn't go to bed angry. And sometimes, you can take that to a different extreme, ensuring that after a fight you go to bed happy — very, very happy. Yes, we're talking about the wild and intense world of make-up sex

5. Comfort Sex

If you're feeling sad, depressed, grieving, alone, or hurt, sex can be the perfect antidote. Why? Because it's the opposite of all those things — it's about being close, warm, loving, and together. And because sometimes talking about your troubles or sadness isn't what you want, while sex can be

6. Crazy Hang-from-the-Chandelier

SexYou know what I am talking about: wild, sweaty, so-good-it-makes-you-holla sex. No matter how long you've been together, you need to have earthshaking sex like this once in a while — even if it's once in a very long while. I think having an extra-hot sexual experience is like being reborn! (As my wife would say - Praise Jehovah)

7. No Sex – Sex
Some times you are just too tired. Even acknowledging that you want your partner is important, whether or not you follow through. Instead just two warm bodies that love each other and appreciate that a simple touch can be enough for the night

1 comment:

Keith said...

My wife and I just read you post and we realized we have never had make up sex. We have never really been angry enough at each other to go there. Just in case we're missing out on something we've decided to figure out ways to drive each other to anger. She said she's going to throw a shoe at my back when I least expect it and wait to see what happens. Wish us luck!